
Microdermabrasion in Largo

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a mechanical form of exfoliation that uses a vacuum-like wand with a diamond tip to slough of the outer layer of damaged skin and stimulate collagen production. This type of rejuvenation is used to treat light scarring, discoloration, sun damage, and stretch marks. The diamond tip loosens up the dead skin, the suction removes, and circulation to the surface is promoted. Microdermabrasion is a very popular skin resurfacing procedure because it is an effective and painless way to remove dead skin, improve tone and texture, and reduce the overall signs of aging.

Microdermabrasion FAQ

  • What are the benefits of microdermabrasion?

    Microdermabrasion is a safe, non-invasive procedure that gently exfoliates the dead surface skin to treat a variety of conditions. It can diminish the signs of aging by softening lines and wrinkles, reducing the appearance of brown spots, and stretch marks. In addition, it can reduce acne scars, help unclog pores, minimize the appearance of pores, and improve the overall tone and texture of the skin.

  • Will microdermabrasion hurt?

    No. This is a non-invasive procedure. It feels like a cat with a very rough tongue going over your face. It is not painful, but some may experience a slight discomfort. After the procedure, your skin will be pinkish (like a mild sunburn), and you may experience a slight sting. This is normal, and will usually go away within a few hours to 24 hours. We highly recommend adding LED LIGHT to the treatment to reduce inflammation, and speed up the rejuvenation process. We have a wonderful peptide infusion mask available for purchase to use at home. This will aid in the healing while infusing your skin with much needed nutrients. Our Zensa healing cream is also available for purchase to help moisturize, calm, and heal the skin following the procedure.

  • What to expect.

    Your Aesthetician will cleanse and prep the skin then use the handheld device to gently remove the top layer of damaged skin. It may feel a bit scratchy, like a cat licking your face with a rough tongue, but is not painful. After the treatment, a mask is applied to calm and hydrate the skin. We finish up with the targeted eye cream, serum and a moisturizing spf.

  • What is the down time?

    There is no downtime after microdermabrasion. You can return to work as soon as you leave our office. Keep in mind, your skin may be pink after leaving. We do ask that you refrain from prolonged heat exposure, direct sunlight, and strenuous activity until the pinkness and/or discomfort subsides. This will help prevent post inflammatory pigmentation and damage to the fresh, new skin.

  • Is it safe for my skin?

    Generally yes. Some Darker skin types that are prone to pigmentation or very sensitive skin types may not be a candidate. Your Aesthetician will discuss your history, and evaluate your skin prior to performing microdermabrasion.

  • The consultation.

    The consultation is very important to determining if this procedure is right for you. We will discuss your health and skin history, any medications you may be taking, topical products you are using, and your skin concerns and goals. It is important to have an open and honest conversation because certain health issues and medications may interfere with the treatment and cause complications. If we find that you are not a candidate for microdermabrasion, we will suggest an alternative treatment. Our goal is to help you remove your skin concerns not create them.

  • Who is not a candidate?

    Microdermabrasion is not recommended for certain skin types that are prone to pigmenting after a skin injury, those with a lot of active acne, active rosacea undiagnosed lesions, auto-immune disorders, fragile capillaries, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, or lupus.

    Patients who have recently had laser or cosmetic surgery, fillers, or have been on Accutane, Isotretinoin, and retinA, make sure to disclose this as to determine if or when you are a candidate to receive microdermabrasion.

  • how do I prepare for treatment?

    Your Aesthetician will discuss the preparation and post care during the consultation. Certain prescriptions taken orally or topically may cause unwanted side effects, please click here to see the list.

    If you have ever experienced a cold sore, we ask that you see your doctor to get on antivirals a few days prior to and after the treatment. Any stress to the skin can induce a herpes breakout.

    Stop the use of any over the counter Vitamin A derivatives like retinol/retinal, AHA's, and BHA's at least 3 days prior to your treatment. Arrive to your appointment on time with a clean face (if possible). Because the Florida sun is always shining so bright, we ask that you bring a hat to wear home after the procedure. ion goes here

  • How do I get the most out of my treatment?

    Arrive on time with a face free of makeup. If you arrive late or have makeup on, it will cut in to the amount of time we can spend treating.

    After the procedure, it is important to follow these guidelines:

    Avoid direct sun exposure and wear spf. Sun exposure after freshly exfoliating the skin is the #1 cause of scarring and pigmentation.

    We ask that you avoid strenuous activity and prolonged heat exposure until the pinkness and discomfort is gone. Raising the internal body temperature right after a procedure can cause post inflammatory pigmentation.

    Follow the recommended home care regimen.

Get in touch.

Have a question? We’re happy to help. Leave us a note and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.